Estate Planning

Your legacy plan "land mines"?
The right estate strategy gives your loved ones a meticulously detailed picture of your intentions. All the while, paying Uncle Sam as little as possible. We realize it’s easy to put this off. It doesn’t feel urgent.

Who's going to [____] for you?
If you’ve watched the independence of your aging parents slowly slip away, you’ve probably thought to yourself:

How Do You Create Lasting Wealth?
For most people, steady, ongoing work is the foundation of their wealth. Career success and a good salary, or building and growing your own business, is the means to a lifestyle you enjoy now and the promise of a stable financial future.

Should a Trust Be Part of Your Estate Plan?
Trusts used to be seen as an estate planning tool for only the very wealthy, who have complicated family situations to sort out, and high-value assets to protect. Times have changed. Modern lives are complicated, asset values are high, and good estate planning is for everyone.